Balancing Act: Our Interactive Session with Swedish Medical Center

Balancing Act: Our Interactive Session with Swedish Medical Center
Sydney Hertz​​​​
March 3, 2023

Hi everyone,

Christa here, your Life Enrichment Director at Gardens at Columbine, bringing you some important insights from our recent session on a critical, yet often overlooked aspect of our lives as we age – balance safety.

As we age, maintaining balance can sometimes become more challenging. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that each year, more than one in four older adults aged 65 and older will fall, making it the leading cause of injury and hospitalization in this age group. This only underscores how important it is for us to understand and prioritize balance safety.

With this in mind, we were privileged to host a team of experts from the esteemed Swedish Medical Center. They provided an enlightening session, offering insights into the science behind balance and the reasons it can waver as we age. We learned that maintaining our balance isn't a simple process. Instead, it involves our visual, auditory, and skeletal systems all working in concert to keep us steady and upright.

But this was more than just a lecture. Our friends from the Swedish Medical Center engaged us with practical exercises, demonstrating tips to enhance our balance and safety. From easy routines that we can incorporate into our daily lives to instructions on the correct posture and safe ways to stand from a seated position, the session was packed with useful, actionable information.

We didn't just sit and listen – we got up and got involved. Everyone had the chance to participate in exercises and demonstrations. This interactive approach made the information more relatable, helping us to understand and apply the techniques more effectively.

I can't thank the Swedish Medical Center team enough for their insightful session. Their commitment to our residents' health and safety is commendable. Now, our residents are equipped with essential knowledge to help them maintain their balance, navigate their surroundings more confidently, and live their lives more independently.

Here's to continued learning and growth, and to staying upright, steady, and confident!

Until next time,


Balancing Act: Our Interactive Session with Swedish Medical CenterBalancing Act: Our Interactive Session with Swedish Medical CenterBalancing Act: Our Interactive Session with Swedish Medical Center
Sydney Hertz​​​​
March 3, 2023